Dog training Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii
Dog training Honolulu aims to teach your dog through positive reinforcement methods. Dog training Honolulu associates positive experiences with desired behavior to guide your dog towards success. Anthony Ohm teaches pet owners how to communicate with their dog. Instead of relying on techniques based on pain and force, rewards are used to teach your dog desired behavior patterns. When interviewing dog trainers in Honolulu, ask them if they use an “e” collar. An “e” collar is an electronic shock collar. Any dog trainer that uses an electronic shock collar is not doing positive reinforcement dog training. Anthony Ohm does not use an “e” collar, nor does he use a choke chain to train dogs and puppies.
Dog training Honolulu is positive reinforcement dog training.
Cruelty-free solutions for:
House training a dog or puppy – teaching a dog or puppy to eliminate in the proper place should be taught as soon as the puppy/dog becomes a new member of the family. Do not expect your new puppy to understand where to eliminate when she arrives in your home. Puppy housetraining is something that must be taught. Housetraining a dog can be done at any age. And it will be easier to implement if you do it sooner rather than later. Sometimes known as “puppy house breaking” instead of “puppy house training,” it is important not to punish the puppy when he eliminates in the wrong place. Rubbing the puppy’s nose in his feces or urine does not work. Dog training Honolulu says do not hit your puppy over the nose for eliminating in the wrong place. Over time this will make your puppy anxious and he will begin to hide when choosing bathroom spots.
not listening, not obeying, being naughty – you have the best dog in the world but he just doesn’t listen to your commands. You tell him not to do something and he just ignores you. Why? Dogs do not have an inborn trait of understanding human language. They can be taught what certain words mean, but trying to teach you dog through language is not successful because he just doesn’t understand you. When you work with a dog trainer, you learn how a dog thinks and how to communicate in a way that a dog can understand. A good dog trainer doesn’t talk to a dog. If you take a lesson with someone and their first instruction is “say this… to your dog” that is an indication that you may need to find a new dog trainer. Dog’s do come with an innate ability to understand emotions. Dog’s can read facial expressions and know what a person is feeling. Dog training Oahu employs emoting or being a good actor as part of process of teaching your pet new behaviors.
Pulling on the leash – teaching your dog to walk properly on the leash means that he walks at your pace rather than constantly pulling you forward. When your dog doesn’t pull you forward, walking your dog will become a more pleasant experience. Dogs will get out for more walks when she doesn’t constantly pull on the leash. Also, humans will avoid injuries to the shoulder joint. There are people that have to go for shoulder surgery after years of being pulled by their dog. Constant pulling can cause shoulder injuries, which can easily be avoided with lessons from dog training Hawaii.
separation anxiety – crying or barking when the owner leaves. There’s different manifestations of separation anxiety. Sometimes the neighbors will complain because the dog is constantly crying or barking out of separation anxiety. In other cases the dog may destroy things in the house or even try to escape the house to find the owner. Separation anxiety can be solved with the dog trainer observing the dog’s behavior in their natural environment.
dog house training – Adult dogs or adolescent dogs can be taught to eliminate in the proper place just as puppies can be taught house training techniques. Even if the dog has had a potty training issue for a long time, it is still possible to correct this unwanted behavior. Try not to get frustrated with your dog when he eliminates in the wrong place. Your dog wants to do the right thing, you need a trainer to help teach you how to communicate with your pet. Every year millions of pets are abandoned for the simple reason that they are soiling the carpet. Before you decide to get a dog, accept that you will need to take some lessons on how to communicate with your pet. Its not your pet that’s making the mistake, its miscommunication that’s causing the dog to go in the wrong place.
excessive barking – learning how to train your dog is the first step towards eliminating unwanted barking. When you contact dog training Honolulu, you learn how to be in tune with your dog. Through this process, barking will naturally be reduced. If you are receiving complaint letters from neighbors about your dog barking, you should know that this problem can be solved and your dog will be happier after meeting with Anthony Ohm from dog training Oahu. Something may not be right for your dog, and its the job of the dog training Oahu to find out what the problem is and how to solve the matter peacefully.
lunging on the leash at cats or dogs. You are walking your dog and a cat suddenly catches your dog’s attention. He lunges with all his strength at the cat. Or on your daily walk you see another dog, your dog starts lunging at the other dog. You are concerned because your dog is out of control. These situations are dangerous as they can cause you to fall and get injured. Dog training Hawaii has techniques to calm this unwanted behavior.
aggression towards people – growling, snarling, biting, or making aggressive actions towards people. There are different displays of aggression towards people. Aggression towards strangers and aggression towards family members are different issues and must be treated in entirely different manners.
aggression towards dogs – fighting, barking, growling at other dogs. Is this aggression displayed as aggression while on the leash? Is the dog lunging on the leash to attack another dog? If yes, then how is your dog’s general leash walking without any antagonizing distractions? Sometimes, the best approach is to work in simple steps: make sure the dog isn’t pulling on the leash when dogs are not around. Then, start introducing more complex scenarios to your dog’s situation.
aggression around the food bowl – growling at people when they get near the dog’s food bowl. Both adult dogs and puppies can display aggression around the food bowl. This problem can start when the breeder feeds the puppies from one bowl; Causing the puppies to fight one another for food.
come when called, running away – not coming when called or running away from the house. The most important command that pet owners need to have is come when called. All dogs can learn this command and all pet owners should want to learn this command.
puppy biting – training a puppy has to be more gentle than training an older dog. Puppy biting is a common problem and puppy teeth can be quite sharp. Ow! Puppy biting problems begin with the breeder. If the breeder doesn’t have toys for the puppies to play with, then the litter mates start to bite each other as a form of amusement. Puppy biting can then transfer from the litter mates to the new family. I strongly recommend that you do not hit the puppy over the nose for puppy biting problems. Hitting the puppy over the nose is an element of old style puppy training.
destroying furniture, chewing valuable items – an experienced dog / puppy trainer can come to your home and do an analysis as to why your canine is destroying things in your home.
jumping up on people – there are varying levels of intensity to this problem. Several days before the appointment is scheduled, it is advisable that you are exercising your canine regularly to address this issue. This will help your dog / puppy process the training procedure. If your dog has too much energy during the appointment session, then she won’t be able to learn the training techniques to stop the jumping up on people or children.
preparing the dog for the arrival of a newborn baby – every year a family dog that showed no signs of aggression kills an infant. This disturbing fact is a wake up call that every family expecting infants should undergo a dog training program to reduce the risk of their dog killing their baby. Small problems can be ignored with the family pet, but don’t take this chance when introducing a newborn baby into the house. An adult dog may not understand what a baby is. The dog may be thinking that the baby is a toy or an animal. Before the arrival of your newborn baby, meet with a dog trainer and go over your dog’s quirks and behavioral issues. Even if your dog is not showing aggressive behavior, it is invaluable to teach your pet general training techniques that will strengthen your communication skills with your canine friend.

Dog training Honolulu stories:
Sandy G. walks her dog daily in her Hawaii Kai neighborhood. Every time Sandy’s dog Toro passes their neighbors dog during the walk, he goes ballistic – barking, pulling and lunging on the leash.
Toro is exhibiting aggressive dog-to-dog behavior. Toro is a poodle terrier mix. He’s a small dog that thinks he is about six feet tall. After evaluating Sandy’s dog, I show Sandy some exercises to expend Toro’s high energy. One of Toro’s issues is that he enjoys getting aggressive. He likes getting into fights with the neighbor’s dog. And part of the reason is that everyday, Sandy takes him on the same twenty minute walk everyday. During the dog training lesson, I take the dog and the owner to an open space field in Hawaii Kai. I find another dog owner walking their dog in this field and I ask if we could do some dog training exercises while passing them by. The person allows us to walk past her dog and I prepare myself to see a lunatic Toro go into a frenzy when seeing the other dog. But in this instance, Toro doesn’t lunge at the other dog, he doesn’t bark, and he doesn’t show any aggression. Why not? Part of the reason that Toro doesn’t get aggressive in this public park is that the owner doesn’t take her dog to this place. The park is wide open. There are interesting smells. And the main difference is that it is not the same place that Toro sees day in and day out. When a dog goes on the same walk everyday, and he doesn’t get any new stimulation, then the things that he encounters on that walk become more magnified. Sandy G. is doing the right thing by taking her dog on daily walks. But she has to change up the places that they visit. It’s important to go to open space parks (not dog parks), open space fields, and hiking trails. If Sandy takes Toro to new places with strong smells in nature; and not go on the same walk every time, then Sandy’s dog is going to be more interested in walking and exploring and less interested in attacking other dogs.
If you want to have a happy dog, then focus on walking your dog. Your dog only knows the places that you, the owner, expose your dog to. Exposing your dog to new places in nature is what your dog likes most. And in most cases, this is part of the solution for having a well behaved pet.
My dog nips at people when scared or excited
Hi Anjalee,
There can be numerous reasons why a dog shows signs of aggression to strangers. This is an important issues to address because it is not easy to keep a dog away from other people when you are walking in public. I am available to meet with you and work on this issue.
On August 6 we bring home 2 female boston terrier pups (sisters).
Want to do puppy training with the family.
My son is 12 and my daughter is 10 and these are “their” dogs and we want the training to be done with them as the primary participants (though mom and dad are coming to be involved too)
Can you help? We live in Aina Haina.
I am interested in speaking with you about assisting us with training our 1 year old lab. He is generally a great dog but shows an aggressive streak when he gets a hold of something he is not suppose to have. He will growl and snap instead of letting go. Is this something that you can assist us with? Thank you! Lewis
Hi Lewis,
Yes, this is something that I can help you with. I’ve been working with this type of issue for many years.
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Anthony Ohm
Hi Anthony,
I am writing you because I am desperate and not sure what else I can do anymore.
Me and my husband have a 4 year old boxer. We bought her from a breeder when she was a puppy and have had her ever since. She is extremely hyper and active, playful and sweet. But we are experiencing behavior issues with her that I am scared that not even a trainer could ‘cure’.
She is extremely territorial of her sleeping area at nights (not during the day) and I can not get close to her while she is eating. She gets all stiff and gets her neck hair up. Now these things aren’t even the worst…. she has bit me before in the face. It was a fast snap and only left a small bruise, yet it scared me because it came out of nowhere. There were no warning signs, no growling. We were cuddling and then suddenly there it was. Now I was hoping we could get past that but it happened again. This time to my friends child. We had a small get together and the kids watched TV. While i was looking for a channel for them to watch i hear it… turn around and the little girl had scratches in her face from my dog attacking her. I am extremely in shock from this and scared of what to do next. Luckily the girl was alright… but what if it happens again and the next person is not alright? I love my dog, she is my baby… but I can’t look at her the same anymore and it causes me so much heart ache. We don’t have children of our own (not yet) which makes this situation even harder. She is like our child but yet she is not and I am scared… what if me and my husband get children? I have nowhere else to turn to. I don’t want to hope that dog training will help if this behavior is already too far. I read all the time about dogs turning on their owners and all hope is gone.
Especially because when my dog snaps she does not even show any sign of her being in distress.
What should I do? Is dog training even an option? Should I give her away? But who would even want to have a dog with such things going on in her past? Is it safe enough to just lock her in the backyard?
I am so scared to talk to anyone because I don’t want to be judged for having such a hard time to make a decision. I would really really appreciate you opinion and help on this!
Thank you so much.
Hi Maria,
I understand that you are very distraught about the aggressive behavior that your dog is exhibiting.
I am available and willing to help you with your dog. Treatment will involve a thorough examination of the dog’s living environment. I’d like to see how you and your family interact with the dog. Many times, people do things that unintentionally lead towards aggressive behavior. When I meet and observe your dog, I will be asking these questions: Why is this dog acting this way? And what can I do to improve this dog’s behavior.
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Anthony Ohm
My wife and I own a 2½ year old male and neutered Pembroke Welsh Corgi, named Cody. Cody is a friendly and non-aggressive dog, however, he barks at anything that moves. He barks at any bird that flies into our yard or the neighbor’s yard or perches on our fence or the neighbor’s fence. Cody will continue to bark at the bird until it flies away or someone chases the bird away. Cody also barks at cockroaches, lizards, beetles, etc. that crawl on the wall or the ground fronting his kennel. Cody also barks at cats that wonder into our or my neighbor’s yards. Cody barks in the morning (from 5:45 am), during the day (all hours) and at night (all hours). My wife and I, for the most part, appreciate this behavior as we find Cody to be an excellent watch dog. Nothing can come into our yard without our being notified by Cody’s barking. Cody is not a constant barker who barks 24/7 for no reason at all. Whenever he barks, it is for one of the reasons I stated above. Unfortunately, we live next to a couple of neighbors who are not pet owners and who will not accept Cody’s barking. They have complained about his barking several times and are now threatening to call the police to have Cody removed.
Is there a way to train Cody not to bark without curtailing his watch dog qualities? Is there a way to train Cody to respond to our command to stop barking or be quiet? Cody is a family member and my wife and I could not accept not having Cody around. Can you help? Is there something we can do? We would appreciate your assistance.
Thank you,
Dwight T.
Hi Dwight,
Yes, I can help you with the issues that you have mentioned.
I look forward to meeting you and you dog.
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Aloha, I was referred to you by a friend. I have a two year-old mix (jack russell – toy fox and possibly min pin). He is very loving and fun when he is not on the leash but on leash he is the tazmanian devil. This past Sunday he went crazy when a neighbor’s dog (off leash) came to say hi. He ended up biting my leg pretty bad out of his misplaced aggression.
He is great in the dog park but as soon as he is on a leash he gets crazy. I don’t want to have to give him up so maybe you could meet with me and Riley?
I need help with a food aggressive dog, this is a new habit that started about a year and a half ago. He is only currently aggressive towards dogs with food and tonight he viciously bit my older dog requiring stitches. My husband wants to either get rid of him or have him euthanized which is not an option for me at all. I would like to see if there are steps I can take to help eliminate this issue. Darwin is a 6 year old lab that is well behaved and mild natured except for when it comes to food. I don’t know what triggered this new behavior but it did seem to start around the time we moved to California before moving here. I am at a complete loss as to what to do to stop this or make it better. I thought perhaps secluding him from the group during feeding time would be best but I am afraid it will just compound the issue since he will be ramped up from being away from the group. I do not want to re-home this dog especially knowing he is having this issue. Is this something that you have dealt with and have been successful at changing? If you are no longer doing this or do not handle this sort of situation do you know of a behaviorist that might have the knowledge to help with this? Thank you for your help and expertise.
Hi Morgan B,
I understand that you are having a big problem with this food aggression issue. There are strategies to rehabilitate a dog with food aggression. And I am very willing to help you address this issue.
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Anthony Ohm
I am looking for a trainer to help me with my 6 month year old chihuahua.
Hi Terra,
Yes, that’s me. I can help you!
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Anthony Ohm
Hi my name is kim
I have an extremely agressive 2yr old black lab. He is an excellent dog at home but bites strangers.
I am at my wits end, he doesn’t do well in groups because he gets too excited and plays too rough, and if he is caught off guard he will go in attack mode.
He’s seen trainers, group sessions, and vets and we still havent found a solution.
He bit two people yesterday while contracters were at my house. Luckily no one was seriously hurt, but I dont want to see one of his incidents turning into a lawsuit where I cant do much to help him.
Please help.
Hi Kim,
I understand your frustration with this dog aggression issue. I know that you have consulted with numerous canine professionals without good results.
Not all dog trainers are alike. I think this is a good thing, because that means that there may be hope for your dog if he gets treated from a new perspective.
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Anthony Ohm
Have a 9 month old puppy that needs training